From Helen's Words to Her World
- Whirlpool
Executing Helen's direction from her book 'The World I Live In'
The film visually portrayed a world described by Helen Keller in her own book “The World I Live In.” Focussing on her raw experience with communication, people, print and nature in her own tactile world. We built Helen’s world as her reality and dimension in-camera with the best teams in lighting, sound, puppetry, holographics and holophonics as well as VFX. (See the diagram to help express our tried and tested filming scheme.)

The creatives (Dixon, Baxter, Williams, Glennie and Sorkin) were exhilarated by the possibilities of creating a world for a 2-dimensional screen, of a protagonist who could not see, hear and who had a speech impediment. They found music and sound as one of the strongest ways to demonstrate the vibrations, textures and pressure Helen expressed to have used in her day to day communication